Building on the past, securing Roseville’s water future
In the face of water supply challenges related to changing weather
conditions and increasingly stringent State regulations, we have
embarked on the Roseville Water Future Initiative -- a
proactive, comprehensive planning effort to diversify water supplies and
maintain a high level of reliability for years to come.
This effort is looking at a full range of options, including:
- Growing our groundwater program to allow for additional recharge and replenishment of our groundwater basin as well as use the water for drinking water supplies.
- Looking and partnering on water supply projects to bring in new sources of surface water supplies that directly provide water to Roseville or used to bolster the states supplies that benefit our region.
- Examining our options for expanding how we use recycled water in our service area.
- Partnerships with customers to reduce demand through water use efficiency.
We are taking a long-term, holistic approach to plan our overall “water
strategy” to serve our community through 2050, when our population will
grow to nearly 300,000 residents.