Building on the past, securing Roseville’s water for our future
Since purchasing a private water company back in early 1900s, Roseville has continued its track record of comprehensive water planning to maintain the quality, reliable services customers have grown to expect.
Roseville’s inception was a result of the railroad boom, but the need for utility services helped build this community along the way, and continued utility service expansion is necessary for maintaining economic vitality and quality of life.
In the face of water supply challenges related to changing weather conditions and increasingly stringent State regulations, we have embarked on the Roseville Water Future Initiative -- a proactive, comprehensive planning effort to diversify water supplies and maintain a high level of reliability for years to come.
The Roseville Water Future Initiative is examining all water supply options to determine what could work. We will ensure that we can work through all regulatory hurdles – but just as important – build an investment strategy that includes funding mechanisms to cover any costs should a project component become viable.
We are taking a long-term, holistic approach to plan our overall “water strategy” to serve our community through 2050, when our population will grow to nearly 300,000 residents. This approach to planning ensures we have a range of options that we can pursue based on their best potential for success – so which options provide the best return on investment for Roseville ratepayers and reduce potential threats in the future. We are taking this comprehensive effort now because water infrastructure projects take many years to evaluate and construct.