Obtain a Business License with the City of Roseville. Roseville Municipal Code requires that you obtain a license when you conduct any business activity within the City even if your business is located outside the city limits or you have a business license from another city.
Check with the
City’s Planning Division to confirm that your location is
zoned appropriately to allow your business.
At a minimum you will need a
Certificate of Occupancy with the
City’s Building Division to occupy the space. Additionally, if you're planning to do any construction, alteration, or repair work in the commercial space you'll probably need to get a
tenant improvement permit through the City’s Building Division.
New installation, replacement, alteration or repair of
fire protection systems (e.g., fire sprinklers, fire alarm, hood suppression, etc.) will require separate Fire Department permits submitted through the Building Division.
New exterior signage requires a
Sign Permit through the City’s Building Division. Prior to permit submittal, check with the
Planning Division for
sign regulations.
Changes in building use type may trigger additional
development impact fees. Check out the Building Division website for information on Development Impact Fees and find the request form to get a fee estimate from the Building Division.
All restaurants, bars, and retail food markets must obtain a
permit to operate from
Placer County Environmental Health.
If you plan on serving alcohol at your establishment, you will need to first obtain a permit through the
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).