Development impact fees apply for new development. The fee booklets include information about these fees and can be used to calculate an estimate. As an incentive to encourage development, fee deferral programs have been established.

Fee Booklets

Commercial & Multi-Family Fee Booklet
Effective July 1, 2024
Residential Fee Booklet
Effective July 1, 2024

City Council has approved the updated Schedule of User and Regulatory Fees. These changes will be effective July 1, 2024 and are reflected in the fee booklets.

Below are Estimate Request Forms that may be completed, signed and submitted to the Building Division prior to project submittal.  Please note that there is no cost associated with an estimate request, nor the first estimate update request.  However, every subsequent request for an updated estimate will be charged fees on an hourly basis (minimum one hour) at the current hourly rate of $201.00/hour.

Estimate Request Forms

Commercial Fee Estimate Request Form

Multi-Family Residential Fee Estimate Request Form

Residential Fee Estimate Request Form

Commercial & Multi-Family Fee Deferral Program

The Development Impact Fee Deferral Program was established as an incentive to encourage commercial & multi-family development. This program is overseen by both the Economic Development Department and the Development Services Department.

NOTE:  Only City-controlled development impact fees may be approved for deferral.  All fees not controlled by the city will be due for payment at time of permit issuance.

To utilize the program, please do the following:

  • Contact the Building Division for an estimate of development impact fees that may be associated with your project.
  • Review, complete and sign the Commercial & Multi-Family Development Impact Fee Deferral Application.
  • Submit the Commercial & Multi-Family Development Impact Fee Deferral Application along with your building permit application package.
  • Requests for the deferral of commercial development impact fees less than $100,000.00 may be approved by the City Manager or his/her designee.
  • Requests for the deferral of commercial development impact fees $100,000.00 or greater shall require approval by the City Council.
  • If the request to defer commercial development impact fees is approved, an administrative fee of $981.59 will be assessed on the building permit record and due for payment at time of permit issuance.
  • NOTE:  Any balance of deferred development impact fees exceeding the amounts approved by the City of Roseville must be paid at time of permit issuance.
  • A supplemental fee totaling the City’s pooled interest rate ten year average will be assessed to cover the financing costs of monies deferred.
    • Notification must be received by the Building Division a minimum of one week prior to the expected date of payment of deferred fees to allow ample time to calculate and assess the applicable interest rate fee.
  • All outstanding and deferred fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, or final inspection if no Certificate of Occupancy is required. 

Residential Fee Deferral Program

The Development Impact Fee Deferral Program was established as an incentive to encourage residential development. This program is overseen by both the Economic Development Department and the Development Services Department. 

NOTE: Only City-controlled development impact fees may be approved for deferral.  All fees not controlled by the city will be due for payment at time of permit issuance.

To utilize the program, please do the following:

  • Review, complete and sign the Residential Development Impact Fee Deferral Application.  
  • Submit the Residential Development Impact Fee Deferral Application along with your building permit application package.
  • Requests for the deferral of residential development impact fees less than $100,000.00 may be approved by the City Manager or his/her designee.
  • Requests for the deferral of residential development impact fees $100,000.00 or greater shall require approval by the City Council.
  • If the request to defer residential development impact fees is approved, an administrative fee of $350.20 will be assessed on the building permit record and due for payment at time of permit issuance.
  • NOTE:  Any balance of deferred development impact fees exceeding the amounts approved by the City of Roseville must be paid at time of permit issuance.
  • All outstanding and deferred fees shall be paid prior to final inspection.

Fee Deferral Program FAQs

Q: What fees may be deferred?
A: Some examples of fees that can be deferred are: 
         Fire Service Construction Tax 
         Public Facilities Fee  
         Traffic Mitigation Fee  
         Electric Backbone Fee
Q: Can the fee deferral program be applied to permits currently being plan checked?
A: Yes, provided the permit has not been issued.
Q: Can fees be refunded, then deferred for permits that have already been issued?
A: No.
Q: Will participation in the fee deferral program prolong the process time of my permit application request?
A: Typically, no. However, the turn‐around time of your permit application review will vary depending on project scope, workload and available staffing.
Q: How will I know what fees will be due prior to Final Inspection?
A: For residential projects, an estimate of deferred fees due will be provided at time of permit issuance. You will be notified of any additional outstanding fees accrued after permit issuance as they are assessed.
A: For commercial projects, an estimate of deferred fees due will be provided at time of permit issuance. However, you must contact us a minimum of one week prior to the expected date of payment of deferred fees. The supplemental pooled interest rate will be determined and assessed, and you will be notified of the total amount due prior to Final Inspection. You will be notified of any additional outstanding fees accrued after permit issuance as they are assessed.
Q: Can I get a Temporary Final or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy prior to payment of final deferred fees?
A: No, all fees must be paid in full.
Q: Are my fees secured at the time of permit issuance, or are the deferred fees subject to adjustment?
A: Only residential deferred fees are secured at the time of permit issuance. However, commercial deferred fees are subject to a supplemental pooled interest rate that will be assessed at time of payment.
Q: What types of permits can I request fee deferral?
A: Any project with City‐controlled impact fees, such as Fire Service Construction Tax, Public Facilities Fees, Traffic Mitigation, Electric Backbone Fees.
Q: Can I defer my school district fees?
A: No, only City‐controlled fees may be deferred.
Q: Are there any other fee business assistance programs available?
A: For projects with infrastructure improvements you may also want to read about the Statewide Community Infrastructure Program (SCIP). The City of Roseville Economic Development Department will be able to assist you with SCIP and other incentives, programs and resources.

Comparative Fee Analysis

 View Regional Development Exaction Comparison  
 View  Appendices

AB 602 Compliance

The information provided below is to meet the requirements of Assembly Bill No. 602, specifically California Government Code section 65940.1(a)(3)(A) and (B).

AB 602 requires the City of Roseville to request from a development proponent, upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final inspection, the total amount of fees and exactions associated with the project for which the certificate was issued and to post the reported information on its website. Note: The City of Roseville is not responsible for the accuracy of the information received from development proponents and posted on this site.

View Total Reported Fees and Exactions - January 2025
View Total Reported Fees and Exactions - June 2024
View Total Reported Fees and Exactions - January 2024
View Total Reported Fees and Exactions - January 2023
View  Total Reported Fees and Exactions - December 2022
 View  Total Reported Fees and Exactions - September 2022