ABCmouse is available from home. Start learning today!

Updated August 19, 2022 offers the most comprehensive online curriculum for children ages 2–8+, including reading and language arts, math, beginning science, social studies, art and music. We stimulate a child’s enthusiasm for learning through over 9,000 interactive learning activities—including books, educational games, puzzles, art activities, songs, music videos, and more. Over 1,000 of these learning activities are in Spanish. Millions of ABCmouse users have completed more than 9 billion learning activities since 2010.

When ABCmouse is accessed from a library remotely with ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries, it can be shared by up to three children in a household, each with their own avatar, profile, and progress-tracking on the ABCmouse Step-by-Step Learning Path.

Notes about using ABCmouse on mobile devices - The ABCmouse account must be created on a desktop computer, after which it can be accessed from a mobile device. The free ABCmouse app must be downloaded onto each mobile device from the devices’ app store before it can be accessed from that device. 

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