The ten-member board hears and decides appeals of administrative citations for municipal code violations, including animal, police, fire, building, stormwater, and zoning matters. They set penalties and devise solutions for ongoing violations of the municipal code.

The Board of Appeals meets twice a year, and hearing panels are convened the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street.

 Current Members Term End
Joseph Bales 12/31/2026
Connor Milligan 12/31/2027*
Arthur J. Pauly, Jr. 12/31/2026
Howard Rudd
Tom Rutherford
Charles Sandoval 12/31/2028*
Louise Santiago 12/31/2028*
Robert Schmitt 12/31/2026*
Andrea Seminer 12/31/2028
Sandeep Upamaka 12/31/2028*

*Eligible to re-apply when current term ends 

Note: Agendas, Minutes, Staff Reports and Legal Notices posted on this website are provided as a public service and are not intended to serve as a part of, or a replacement for, any part of the legally required noticing or posting of these materials.

Travis Cochran
Deputy City Attorney
Kelly Aye
(916) 774-5377
