The Planning Division frequently receives questions on the projects listed below. Please check back for updates to this section. Additional information on these projects is provided here. Please note that this list is not representative of all current projects.  

View the Objective Design Standards page for qualified affordable housing projects:

Active Projects

Hayden Commercial Center

WRSP PCL F-34 - Hayden Commercial Center (File #PL25-0067)

Project Address: 2551 Hayden Parkway

Property Owner: Sunny Dharni, Hayden Park LLC

Project Applicant: Joshua Flamm, Milestone Associates Imagineering, Inc.

Project Description: Request for a Conditional Use Permit, Design Review Permit, and Tentative Parcel Map to allow construction of a 4,650 sf neighborhood market, 5,504 sf fueling canopy, 3,596 sf express carwash, 10,000 sf food court, and a 2,074 sf Starbucks with drive thru on four newly created parcels.

Project Planner: Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [email protected]

Project Related Documents (as of January 2025):

Phillip Road Site

INFILL PCL 373 – Phillip Road Site (File # PL24-1010)  

Visit for information about the proposed project and frequently asked questions. 

Rocky Ridge Apartments

INFILL PCL 86B – Rocky Ridge Apartments (File #PL23-0351)

Project Address: 1995 Rocky Ridge Drive

Property Owner: SSL Enterprise LLC

Project Applicant: Sara Lebastchi, D and S Development

Project Description: The applicant requests a Design Review Permit (DRP) for an 18-unit multi-family project on a 1.23-acre Medium Density Residential (MDR-10) parcel within the City’s Infill area. The development consists of 18 units, with units ranging from one (1) to two (2) bedrooms. The applicant also requests a density bonus of six (6) units for the project. Of the 18 residential units proposed on the property, 2 units will be affordable, and 16 units will be market rate. A total of 27 parking spaces will be provided on-site. The project includes a Tree Permit (TP) to authorize the removal of 42 protected oak trees from the project site.

Project Planner: Escarlet Mar, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5247 or [email protected]

Project Related Documents (as of June 2024):
Plan Set
Traffic Memo

Maidu Neighborhood Association meeting on 11/19/24
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: George Sargeant Elementary School in the multipurpose room

Approved Projects

Bee Shine Car Wash

INFILL PCL 175 - Bee Shine Car Wash (File #PL22-0316)

Project Address: 
1100 Orlando Avenue

Property Owner: 
Jesse Angeles

Project Applicant: 
David Heumann, K12 Architects, Inc.

Project Planner: Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1347 or [email protected]

Project Description: 
The applicant requests a Rezone from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Community Commercial (CC), a Conditional Use Permit, and a Design Review Permit to allow construction of a new express car wash with 21 vacuum spaces. The proposed building is 4,542 square feet.

Project Related Documents (as of October 2022):
Plan Set

Belvedere Townhomes

DTSP PCL DT-4 - Belvedere Townhomes (File #PL20-0050)

Project Address: 510 Lincoln Street

Project Owner/Applicant: Derrek Lee, Old Roseville, LLC

Project Planner: Charity Gold, [email protected] (916) 774-5247

Project Description: The applicant requests a Minor Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit to allow construction of 18 single-family homes on eighteen residential lots and one common lot.  Two native oak trees are proposed for removal. 

Project Related Documents:
Plan Set
August 27, 2020 Planning Commission Agenda

Blue Oaks Retail Center Phase 2

NIPA PCL 35 – Blue Oaks Retail Center Phase 2 (File #PL22-0186)

Project Address: 1480 Blue Oaks Boulevard

Property Owner: Roseville Blue Oaks Partners, LLC

Project Applicant: Andi Panagopoulos, Cunningham Engineering

Project Planner: Escarlet Mar, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5247 or [email protected]

Project Description:  The project includes a request for a Conditional Use Permit, Design Review Permit, and a Tentative Subdivision Map for an 8.40-acre commercial center located at 1480 Blue Oaks Boulevard; north of Blue Oaks Boulevard and east of Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard. The project would include six (6) freestanding commercial buildings ranging from 950 and 13,200 square feet in size; two (2) of the commercial buildings are proposed with a drive-through user (i.e., a Chick-fil-A and Dutch Bros), the remaining building tenants are unknown at this time.

A Conditional Use Permit for the two (2) drive-through food pad users is required because the property is contiguous to residential zoned properties. The Design Review Permit would establish the design and colors of both the Chick-fil-A and Dutch Bros buildings. The Tentative Subdivision Map as proposed would create a total of six (6) parcels.

Project Related Documents (as of March 2023):
Plan Set
CC/SA Zone District Permitted Uses

Costco West Roseville

SVSP PCL W-41 – Costco West Roseville (File #PL22-0333)

Project Address: 5200 Baseline Road

Property Owner:
D.F. Properties

Project Applicant: Nick Chen, Kimley-Horn

Project Planner: Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [email protected]

Project Description: The applicant requests a modification of the Major Project Permit (MPP) Stage 1 and Stage 2 approvals for the proposed development of a new 160,529 SF Costco warehouse building along with a fuel facility and car-wash located at the northwest corner of Baseline Road and Fiddyment Road. The MPP was originally approved with file #2013PL-020.

Project Related Documents (as of April 2023):
Project Narrative
Plan Set

Consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, regarding a previously certified and adopted Environmental Impact Report (EIR), an Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan EIR (SCH #2008032115, certified May 5, 2010) has been prepared to cover the minor technical changes and additions necessary to describe the impacts of the proposed project. The Addendum did not identify any new environmental impacts from the project. The Addendum can be viewed on the Environmental Documents and Public Notices page under "Current Private Development Projects"

The Major Project Permit Stage 1 and Stage 2 modification entitlements were approved by the Planning Manager on April 17, 2023.

UPDATE: The Notice of Intent to Award for Construction for the Costco West Roseville project may be found here.

DTSP DT-4 Roseville Junction Crossing (aka. Junction Station)

DTSP DT-4 Roseville Junction Crossing (aka. Junction Station)

Project Description:
The project includes approval of a Minor Design Review Permit to allow a four-story, approximately 80,460 square foot, 80-unit affordable multi-family residential building, with associated parking for St. Anton’s Communities and a Tentative Subdivision Map to allow the merging and resubdivision of 11 parcels, totaling approximately 1.38 acres, into two parcels (Parcel 1 = 0.07 acres, Parcel 2 = 1.31 acres), with right-of–way abandonments and dedications, consistent with Government Code Section 66499.20.2.

The Junction Crossing project was approved by the Planning Commission on April 26, 2018 and by the City Council on June 6, 2018.

Project Related Documents:
The staff reports and minutes from the Planning Commission and City Council hearings are available on the Agendas and Minutes webpage.

Project Plans

Economic Impact Analysis

Parking Study


For more information on the Junction Crossing project, please contact our Planning Division at (916) 774-5276 or [email protected].

Erickson Senior Living

SVSP PCL KT-41A & KT-41B - Erickson Senior Living (File #PL22-0207)   

Project Address: 6000 Baseline Road    

Project Owner: KV SIERRA VISTA LLC   

Project Applicant: Kris Steward, Plan Steward, Inc.   

Project Planner:
 Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [email protected]  

Project Description: The project request is for a Major Project Permit Stage 1 for Erickson Senior Living, a 2.1M square foot continuing care retirement community on a 55.6-acre site consisting of SVSP Parcels KT-41A and KT-41B north of Baseline Road and a Major Project Permit Stage 2 for Phase 1 and the Marketing Center (629,305 sf).  Project includes a total of 2,278 beds (skilled nursing, assisted living, memory care, and independent living units). A Development Agreement Amendment and Lot Line Adjustment are also requested for the project. 

Project Related Documents (as of March 2023):   
Plan Set

Update: The Development Agreement Amendment proposal will be heard by the City Council on 8/16/23 at 6:00 pm at the City Council Chambers.

On 6/22/23 the Planning Commission approved the Major Project Permit Stage 1 and 2, and Lot Line Adjustment. The Commission recommended approval of the Development Agreement Amendment to the City Council.

A neighborhood meeting was held for this project on 3/7 from 6-7:30PM at the Saint Johns Episcopal Church at 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA

Grocery Outlet

NRSP PCL WW-40 - Grocery Outlet (File #PL22-0205)

Project Address: 1751 Pleasant Grove Bl.

Property Owner: 
Peter P. Bollinger Investment Company

Project Applicant: Mike Novak, NORR Associates Inc

Project Planner: Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [email protected]

Project Description: The project proposes the development of a 16,000 square-foot grocery building and a 4,600 square-foot retail pad. The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit and a Tentative Parcel Map to create three separate lots.

Project Related Documents (as of March 2023):
Plan Set

Traffic Study

Traffic Study Figures

On 7/19/23, the City Council denied the appeal and approved the project.

The Planning Commission approved the project with a 6-0 vote. The Planning Commission decision was appealed on 5/17/23 by Donald Mooney.

Mooney Appeal Form

A Planning Commission meeting was held for this project on 5/11/23 in the City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street at 6:30 pm. Two comment letters were received on the day of the meeting. Staff responded to one of the letters from Donald Mooney in a memo. These documents were made available in hard copy form at the meeting. The other project documents can be found with the Planning Commission agenda packet here.

Maguire Comment Letter

Mooney Comment Letter

Staff Response to Mooney Letter

The applicant held a neighborhood meeting for this project on 2/13/23 from 6-7pm at Saint John's Episcopal Church, 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747.

A follow-up meeting was held on 3/2/23 focused on traffic concerns at Pleasant Grove Community Church.

HP Campus Oaks Master Plan

The Hewlett Packard (HP) Campus Oaks Master Plan established development regulations for approximately 500 acres at the southwest corner of Blue Oaks and Foothills Boulevards within the City's North Industrial Planning Area.  At build-out, the plan anticipates approximately 1.73 million square feet of employment and commercial uses and 948 residential dwelling units, along with parks and open space areas.  The HP Campus Oaks Master Plan was approved by City Council on August 5, 2015 and later amended on August 17, 2016.  The land use plan is shown in the figure below.  The HP Campus Oaks Master Plan is available here

The Campus Oaks Design Guidelines act as a companion document to the HP Campus Oaks Master Plan and supplement the City’s Community Design Guidelines. The Campus Oaks Design Guidelines are intended to address unique features within the plan area such as the paseos and landscaping and provide additional design direction for the Medium Density and Small Lot Residential land uses.  The Planning Commission approved the HP Campus Oaks Master Plan Design Guidelines on March 9, 2017.

For more information on the HP Campus Oaks Master Plan, please contact the Planning Division at (916) 774-5276 or [email protected].

land use map
(FIGURE 1 Land Use)

Homewood Suites Hotel

NCRSP PCL 49 – Homewood Suites Hotel (File #PL22-0397)

Project Address: 1698 Freedom Way

Property Owner: Sam Devdhara, SCH Roseville, LLC

Project Applicant: Kris Steward, Plan Steward, Inc.

Project Planner: Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1347

Project Description: Request for a Major Project Permit (MPP) Stage 1 Modification and MPP Stage 2 for a 115-room, four-story Homewood Suites Hotel on Lot 9 Parcel 1 of NCSP Parcel 49. The proposed hotel is approximately 79,260 square feet and four (4) stories tall, with an overall height of 55 feet. The project will include associated improvements such as parking lot, lighting, and landscaping.

Current Exhibits (February 2023):
Site Plans
Landscaping Plans
Grading and Utility Plans

A neighborhood open house was held March 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM at 10000 Alantown Dr.

The project will considered by the Planning Commission. No hearing date is currently scheduled. If you would like to receive notice of the public hearing, please contact the Project Planner to be added to the mailing list.

Huntington Senior Apartments

This project is owned and under development by the Stamas Corp. and is actively under construction.  The City does not have any information on a projected completion date or on the anticipated rental rates at this time.

Project Title and File Number:
INFILL PCL 93 & 196 Huntington Senior Apartments, PL17-0247

Project Address:
1650 Huntington Drive

The approved project includes construction of a 76-unit senior apartment complex with a clubhouse, as well as new parking, landscaping, and site lighting.  A six-foot masonry soundwall is proposed on the rear (southern) side of the property, to screen the adjacent residences.  The parking lot will be located along Huntington Drive.  The buildings on the southern side of the site are proposed to be single-story, while the buildings nearest Strauch Drive will be two and three stories tall.  The site plans and building architecture are included below.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission on March 14, 2019. 

Project Related Documents:

Site Plan

One Story Elevations

Two Story Elevations

Three Story Elevations

Clubhouse Elevations

Grading Plan

Landscape Plan

Mitigated Negative Declaration

Johnson Ranch Storage

SERSP PCL 81 Johnson Ranch Storage (File# PL18-0355)

Due to COVID-19 and social distancing considerations, no Planning Commission hearing will be held for this project until the City resumes in-person attendance of public meetings held in the City Council chambers. (updated April 7, 2020)

Project Address: 1851 E Roseville Pw

Project Applicant: Tim Alatorre, Domum, (888) 352-2721, [email protected]

Project Contact: Ron Smith, Praxis Properties, (916) 257-0802, [email protected]

Project Planner: Shelby Vockel, Associate Planner, (916) 746-1347, [email protected]

Project Description: The subject parcel (totaling approximately 13.54 acres) is located within the Southeast Roseville Specific Plan (SERSP) and has a land use designation of Community Commercial (CC). The zoning designation is PD240, which states that “Planned Development for a wholesale/retail nursery” is the permitted use on the subject property. The applicant requests a rezone of the subject property, amending PD240 to allow a personal storage facility with RV and boat storage with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally, the project requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a personal storage facility with RV and boat storage in the PD240 zone. A Design Review Permit is also requested to allow the construction of three modular buildings (50,437 square feet) and open parking areas for RV and boat storage (131,254 square feet), with associated improvements such as lighting and landscaping. A Tree Permit is requested to remove oak trees, as well as a Lot Line Adjustment to adjust the property boundary with adjacent property owners.

Project Related Documents:

Current Plan Set, July 2020
Modular Storage Units
Mitigated Negative Declaration

Kaiser Roseville Inpatient Bed Tower

NERSP PCL 12 - Kaiser Roseville Inpatient Bed Tower Project (File #PL22-0038)

Project Address: 1600 Eureka Road

Property Owner: Kaiser Foundation Hospitals

Project Applicant: Belinda Young, HOK, Inc.

Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected] 

Project Description: The project includes a request for a Major Project Permit (MPP) Stage 1 Modification and MPP Stage 2 to increase the size and capacity of the previously approved 2004 Expansion Project. Specifically, the proposed project revises the 2004 Expansion Project to allow for an approximately 278,000 square-foot, six-story, 138-bed Inpatient Tower building (on the site of the prior approved Surgery and Intensive Care Unit Facility); a relocation of the northwest corner loop road; and a new four-level garage with rooftop parking to accommodate approximately 800 stalls located in the northeast corner of the campus (on the site of the prior approved parking garage); a new main hospital entrance and drop off area; expansion of the existing Emergency Department to add 36 new treatment bays; and a new generator yard and internal upgrades to the existing Central Utility Plant (CUP). The project would be constructed on portions of the Property currently occupied by surface parking lots. The project also includes an Amendment to the Development Agreement by and between the City of Roseville and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals to address the increased use intensity and vested entitlements and a Specific Plan Amendment (text only) to the Northeast Roseville Specific Plan to modify the minimum setback requirements for any building three (3) stories or more in height.

Community Informational Open House:  A community informational open house meeting regarding the project was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Maidu Community Center Reception Hall located at 1550 Maidu Drive, Roseville, CA. The development team and City staff were available at this meeting to present the project and answer questions. A copy of the open house notice is located here.

Public Hearings: The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission and two (2) public hearings before the City Council.  Notices of the hearings will be mailed to property owners within 300 ft. of the project site, posted on the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) website, and published in the Press Tribune.  If you would like to be included on the mailing list, please contact the Project Planner, Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner at [email protected] or (916) 746-1309.  This page will also be updated with the scheduled hearing dates.  

The project was heard by the Planning Commission on November 10, 2022.  At the meeting, the Planning Commission certified the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR), recommended the City Council approve the Specific Plan Amendment and Development Agreement Amendment, and approved the Major Project Permit Stage 1 Modification and Stage 2.  A copy of the hearing notice is located here.  The Planning Commission agenda and staff report are located on the City's website here

The project was heard by the City Council on December 7, 2022. At this meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution to consider the Final SEIR, Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; adopted a resolution approving text amendments to the Northeast Roseville Specific Plan; and adopted and introduced for first reading an ordinance approving the Development Agreement Amendment.  The City Council Communication is located on the City's website here.

Project Related Documents (as of October 2022):
Visual Impact Study

Environmental Documents:
The environmental documents prepared for the project are viewable online on the City's Environmental Documents website, located at The project is listed under Current Private Development Projects - Kaiser Roseville Inpatient Bed Tower Project.

Mourier M-31 Apartments

NRSP PCL M-31- Mourier M31 Apartments (File #PL19-0317)

Project Address: 9000 Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard

Project Owner: Steve Schnable, Mourier Land Investment Corp

Project Applicant: David Cobbs, Baker Williams Engineering Group

Project Planner:
Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The proposed project is an 80-unit apartment complex on a 4.16-acre parcel with associated parking, lighting, and landscaping.  The project includes a Design Review Permit to review the project site and proposed buildings, a Conditional Use Permit to allow a multi-family residential use in the Community Commercial zone district, and a Tree Permit to encroach into the protected zone of a native oak tree.

On May 28, 2020, the Planning Commission voted to approve the Conditional Use Permit, Design Review Permit, and Tree Permit with a vote of 7 aye, 0 nay, 0 absent.   The staff report and attachments are available here:

Project Related Documents (as of April 2020):
Site Plan
Grading and Drainage Plan
Landscape Plan
Mitigated Negative Declaration

Oak Creek BMX Flood Encroachment Permit

INFILL PCL 179 – Oak Creek BMX Flood Encroachment Permit

Location: 648 Riverside Av., on the west side of Riverside Av., approximately 200 feet south of the intersection of Riverside Av. and Darling Wy. in the Infill area of the City.

Applicant Contact Info: Nathan Johanson, Sacramento Valley BMX, (916)769-2737, [email protected]

City Project Manager: Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, (916)746-1347, [email protected]

Project Description: The applicant requests a Flood Encroachment Permit for the operation of the Oak Creek BMX Facility at 648 Riverside Av. on Infill PCL 179 in the City of Roseville. Pursuant to Section 19.18.040 (G), a Flood Encroachment Permit is required for uses which involve structures or the storage of materials and equipment in the Floodway (FW) zone district. The request also includes the consideration of an approximately 9.5-foot-tall monument sign near the entrance of the property. This request will update the existing Flood Encroachment Permit for the site to reflect current operations of the facility.

Project Related Documents:

Oakleaf Estates

INFILL PCL 13 – Oakleaf Estates (File #PL23-0198)

Project Address: 1010 Main Street

Property Owner: Patrick Laughlin, LENDCO LLC

Project Applicant: Sean Minard, MHM Incorporated

Project Planner: Eric Singer, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5536 or [email protected]

Project Description: The applicant requests a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide 4.24 acres into 17 single family residential lots and a tree permit to remove native oak trees.

Project Plans (as of September 2024)
Tentative Map Package

Project Related Documents (as of February 2024):

Biological Resources Study
Arborist Report
Draft Wetland Delineation
Traffic Study

Plaza at Blue Oaks

WRSP PCL F-31 - The Plaza at Blue Oaks (File #PL17-0368)

Project Address: 1950 Blue Oaks Boulevard

Project Owner: Joe Zawidski, West Roseville Development Company, Inc.

Project Applicant:
Joe Zawidski, F-31 Commercial LLC

Project Planner:
Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The proposed project is a retail shopping center consisting of an approximate 35,000 square-foot anchor grocery store, a 12-pump gas station with an approximate 3,500 square-foot convenience store and car wash, and seven additional buildings ranging in size from approximately 3,750 square feet to 9,750 square feet.  The project includes a Design Review Permit to review the site design and proposed buildings, a Tree Permit to remove native oak trees on the westerly portion of the site, and a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the parcel into eight (8) lots. 

On May 14, 2020, the Planning Commission adopted the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved the Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, with a vote of 6 aye, 0 nay, 1 absent.  The staff report and attachments are available here:

On May 26, 2020, the City received an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision.  The appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on July 1, 2020.  The public hearing notice was posted on the RCONA website, published in the Press Tribune, and mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the site, and to all people who request notice.  The Council Communication and attachments are available here:

At the request of the applicant, the City Council passed a motion at the July 1, 2020 meeting to continue the item to the August 5, 2020 City Council meeting.  Since the project has been continued to a date certain, a public hearing notice will not be published.  On August 5, 2020, the City Council denied the appeal, adopted the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, and approved the Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, with a vote of 5 aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. The Council Communication and attachments are available here:

Project Related Documents (as of April 2020):
Site Plan
Landscape Plan
Grading and Utility Plan
Mitigated Negative Declaration (posted 4/17/2020)

Pleasant Grove Apartments

NRSP PCL WW-17 – Pleasant Grove Apartments, File #PL20-0154

The project is scheduled to be heard at the March 25, 2021 Planning Commission hearing. The hearing will begin at 6:30 PM, held remotely. Members of the public may view the meeting on Comcast channel 14, Consolidated Communications channel 73 and AT&T U-verse. Meetings are also video streamed live and are available on the City’s website and Youtube channel. Public comment can be provided during the meeting by phoning 916-774-5353.

If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact Voice: 916-774-5200, TDD: 916-774-5220. Requests must be made as early as possible.

The Planning Commission agenda, which includes links to the project staff report and proposed plans, can be found here:

Project Address:
1721 Pleasant Grove Boulevard

Project Applicant: Mercy Housing California

Project Owner:

Project Description: The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit to approve a 98-unit affordable apartment complex with an administrative/community building, 191 parking spaces, landscaping, and other site amenities on NRSP Parcel WW-17. The project includes two main apartment buildings, both three stories in height, and one single story clubhouse building. A total of 30 one bedroom units, 34 two bedroom units, and 34 three bedroom units are proposed, split between the two residential buildings. The site includes a total of 191 parking spaces, and also includes site amenities such as a playground, community garden, outdoor seating and lawn areas, as well as pedestrian pathways and landscaping. The proposed apartment complex is a principally permitted use on the site, and a Design Review Permit to evaluate the project design is requested.

Project FAQ:

Why does the City support this project?

The project is consistent with the General Plan, North Roseville Specific Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Community Design Guidelines. High density affordable units have been allocated to this project site since the Specific Plan was adopted in 1997. The apartment complex is a principally permitted use on the site-- meaning that the only aspect that the City is evaluating is the design and architecture through the Design Review Permit process. As stated in the staff report, available on the Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes page, all of the required findings for the Design Review Permit can be made.

In addition, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330) states that local land use authorities must approve affordable housing developments where they are consistent with zoning and land use designations, unless a specific set of findings can be made. 

Consistent with State law, the Roseville Municipal Code includes required findings that the Approving Authority, in this case the Planning Commission, must make in order to disapprove an affordable housing development.  The proposed Mercy Housing project is located on a parcel designated High Density Residential, which was planned for affordable apartments with the adoption of the North Roseville Specific Plan in 1997.  The City’s Planning staff have reviewed the findings and determined that none of these findings can be made to outright deny the Design Review Permit for the Mercy Housing project (see evaluation of the findings, below).  The Planning Commission’s discretion in reviewing the proposed projects is limited to ensuring the project complies with the goals and policies of the City’s General Plan and the North Roseville Specific Plan, the standards within the City’s Zoning Ordinance, the requirements within the City’s Community Design Guidelines.  The use of the site has been determined through the adoption of the North Roseville Specific Plan and the Design Review Permit review is to ensure the development is harmonious with other developments and buildings in the vicinity.

19.78.70 Required findings for disapproval of housing development projects and emergency shelters.

  1. As set forth in California Government Code Section 65589.5, the Approving Authority may not disapprove a housing development project for very low, low, or moderate income households, or an emergency shelter, unless it makes written findings as to one of the following:

    1. The City has adopted a housing element in accordance with state law that is in substantial compliance with state law and the City has met or exceeded its share of the regional housing need allocation pursuant to California Government Code Section 65584 for the planning period for the income category proposed for the housing development project. In the case of an emergency shelter, the City has met or exceeded the need for emergency shelter, as identified pursuant to California Government Section 65583(a)(7).

      This project site is included in the City’s Housing Element inventory of affordable housing sites and is necessary to comply with the City’s share of regional housing needs.

    2. The housing development project or emergency shelter as proposed would have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health or safety, and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the development unaffordable to low and moderate income households or rendering the development of the emergency shelter financially infeasible.

      There are no adverse impacts identified as a result of the proposed project.  The project site was evaluated with the EIR prepared for the North Roseville Specific Plan and the proposed project is consistent with the land use and unit allocation evaluated for the property.

    3. The denial of the housing development project or imposition of conditions is required in order to comply with specific state or federal law, and there is no feasible method to comply without rendering the development unaffordable to low and moderate income households or rendering the development of the emergency shelter financially infeasible.

      The proposed project is consistent with the North Roseville Specific Plan, which at the time of adoption in 1997 was determined to be in compliance with all State and Federal laws.

    4. The housing development project or emergency shelter is proposed on land zoned for agriculture or resource preservation that is surrounded on at least two sides by land being used for agricultural or resource preservation purposes, or which does not have adequate water or wastewater facilities to serve the project.

      The proposed project is located on a site designated for high density residential land use and has been reviewed by the City’s Environmental Utilities Department.  The City has determined that there are adequate water and wastewater facilities to serve the project.

    5. The housing development project or emergency shelter is inconsistent with both this Zoning Ordinance and General Plan land use designation as specified in any element of the General Plan as it existed on the date the application was deemed complete, and the City has adopted a housing element in accordance with state law that is in substantial compliance with state law.

      The proposed housing project is consistent with both the City’s Zoning Ordinance and General Plan land use designation.  The site was identified as a high density residential site with an affordable housing obligation with the adoption of the North Roseville Specific Plan in 1997.   

Will the housing be age-restricted?

No. Unlike the Eskaton facility immediately to the west of the project site, the proposed Pleasant Grove Apartments project will not be age restricted. The site includes one, two, and three bedroom units which can accommodate families. The site also includes recreational amenities, such as a playground for children, within the complex.

How will residents travel west on Pleasant Grove Bl.?

The proposed project will modify the existing median at the northwest corner of Sun City Bl. and Pleasant Grove Bl. This will allow travelers to make a U-turn at this location.

Will the project make traffic worse?

The project site has been anticipated for residential development since the North Roseville Specific Plan was adopted in the late 1990’s. All of the trips have been accounted for in the City’s traffic demand model, and the roadway infrastructure was built to accommodate these trips. Additionally, a new U-turn at Sun City Bl. and Pleasant Grove Bl. will allow for residents of the project to travel westward on Pleasant Grove Bl.

Will the project take away open space?

No. The project site at 1721 Pleasant Grove Bl. is not designated open space. It has a land use designation of High Density Residential, and an affordable housing allocation of 98 units. While there is open space and protected wetlands located nearby, the project site will not have an impact on those areas. The project has been reviewed by Development Services Division staff, as well as Parks staff, to ensure the project complies with City requirements. Additionally, mitigation measures were adopted with the North Roseville Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and subsequent EIRs to address any potential impacts. No new or more intensive impacts were identified as part of the proposed project, and the development is consistent with what was previously evaluated.

How to I share my opinion/comments on this project?

Please send your comments to Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, at [email protected] or 916-746-1347. Because staff is working remotely, any calls will be sent to voicemail. The planner will respond to your calls as quickly as possible.  All project comments received before the hearing on March 25, 2021 will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their consideration.

Quick Quack Car Wash

INFILL PCL 188 - Quick Quack Car Wash (File #PL24-0744)

Project Address: 300 N Sunrise Ave.

Property Owner: Roseville Partnership

Project Applicant: 
Isaac Anzlovar, Barghausen Consulting Engineers

Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The project is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a car wash in the Planned Development 16 (PD16) zone and a Design Review Permit to construct an approximate 3,700-square-foot Quick Quack Car Wash building with two vehicle queuing lanes, vacuum stalls, associated parking, and landscaping. The existing building on the site will be demolished.

Planning Commission Meeting:
A public hearing is scheduled at the Planning Commission on 9/26/24. The staff report and exhibits are provided below:
Staff Report

Roseville Old Town Lofts

INFILL PCL 246 - Roseville Old Town Lofts (File #PL18-0178)

Project Address: 241 Nevada Avenue

Project Owner: Robert Pegos

Project Applicant: Phil Harvey, Kuchman Architects, (916) 447-3436 or [email protected]

Project Planner:
Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The proposed project includes a request for a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the property from Business Professional (BP) to High Density Residential (HDR).  The project also includes a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the existing 0.89-acre parcel into 23 lots and a Design Review Permit to construct 23 single-family residences with associated parking and landscaping and to modify the Attached Housing (R3) development standards.  Finally, a Tree Permit is requested to allow the removal of native oak trees.  The existing home on the property will be demolished.  The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission and two (2) public hearings before the City Council. 

On January 7, 2019, the applicant held a neighborhood meeting at the Civic Center to share the project with interested residents.  Notice of the meeting was provided to all residences within 300 feet of the site, and to the Folsom Road Neighborhood Association.  Of those in attendance, a total of 9 individuals and households added contact information to the sign-in sheet for the project. 

On June 13, 2019, the Planning Commission voted to approve the Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, and voted to recommend the City Council approve the General Plan Amendment, with a vote of 5 aye, 1 nay, 1 absent.  The staff report and attachments are available here:

On June 24, 2019, the City received an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision.  The appeal and approval of the General Plan Amendment was heard by the City Council on August 7, 2019.  The City Council voted to deny the appeal and voted to approve the General Plan Amendment, Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit.  The Council Communication and attachments are available here:
Project Related Documents (as of April 2019):
Site Plan
Floor Plans
Landscape Plan
Tentative Subdivision Map
Mitigated Negative Declaration

Sierra View Subdivision

INFILL PCL 3 & 100 - Sierra View Subdivision Map (File #PL21-0162)   

Project Address: 360 Diamond Oaks Road

Project Owner: SLVC 23 LLC

Project Applicant: John Tallman, WP Sierra View, LLC & Westpark S V 400, LLC

Project Planner:
Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The project includes a request for a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Low Density Residential (LDR), a Rezone to change the zoning designation from Multi-Family Residential (R3) to Small Lot Residential with modified Development Standards (RS/DS), and a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the 23 acres into approximately 75 LDR lots.  A Tree Permit is also requested to remove 158 native oak trees.  As part of the project, 95 units will be transferred from Infill Parcels 3 and 100 to Sierra Vista Specific Plan Parcels WB-31 (+32 units) and WB-41 (+63 units). 

The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission and one (1) public hearing before the City Council.  Once scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site, posted to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) website, and published in the Sacramento Bee.  Interested persons may also contact the Project Planner to be included on the distribution list by calling (916) 746-1309 or emailing [email protected].  

Planning Commission Meeting
:  The project was heard before the Planning Commission on Thursday, December 16, 2021.  A copy of the public hearing notice is located here.  The public hearing notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site, interested persons, posted to the RCONA website, and published in the Sacramento Bee. The agenda with the link to the staff report and exhibits is available on the City website online here:  At the December 16th meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Tentative Subdivision Map and Tree Permit, and recommended City Council approve the General Plan Amendment and Rezone.

City Council Meeting:  The project was heard before the City Council on Wednesday, January 19, 2022.  A copy of the public hearing notice is located here.  The public hearing notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site, interested persons, posted to the RCONA website, and published in the Sacramento Bee.  The City Council agenda and Council Communication are located online here.  At the January 19th meeting, the City Council approved the General Plan Amendment and Rezone.

Project Related Documents:   
Plan Set, October 2021
Fehr & Peers Traffic Memo, September 7, 2021
Arborist Report

Sprinter Roseville

NERSP PCL 8 - Sprinter Roseville (File #PL23-0124)

Project Address: 1513 Eureka Road and 1411 Rocky Ridge Drive

Property Owner: Travis Batts, Pappas Gateway LP 

Project Applicant: Linda Francis, Dennis J. Flynn Architects

Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309

Project Description: The proposed project is an approximately 97,000-square-foot Mercedes Benz Sprinter van sales and service facility that will consist of enclosed service and detail bays and on-site vehicle parts storage. Associated site improvements include landscaping, lighting, and parking. The project entitlements include a text only amendment to the NERSP Parcel 8 Design Guidelines to allow vehicle sales in the Community Commercial zone with approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), a CUP to allow the use, and a Design Review Permit to review the site design and architecture.

Current Exhibits (September 2023):
Site Plan
Floor Plan
Elevations and Renderings
Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan
Preliminary Landscape Plan

The project will be considered by the Planning Commission and the City Council. The Planning Commission meeting was held on September 28, 2023. A copy of the Planning Commission staff report and related materials is located here. At the meeting, the Planning Commission adopted the Initial Study/Negative Declaration, recommended the City Council approve the Specific Plan Amendment, and approved the Conditional Use Permit and Design Review Permit.

The City Council meeting was held on November 1, 2023. A copy of the City Council Communication and related materials is located here. At the meeting, the City Council considered the Initial Study/Negative Declaration and approved the Specific Plan Amendment.

WB-41 Rezone

SVSP PCL WB-41 – Rezone (File #PL21-0161)

Project Address:
3301 Pleasant Grove Boulevard

Project Owner: Westpark S V 400 LLC

Project Applicant: John Tallman, WP Sierra View, LLC & Westpark S V 400, LLC 

Project Planner:
Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The project includes a request for a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Community Commercial (CC) to Medium Density Residential (MDR), and a Rezone to change the zoning designation from Community Commercial (CC) to Small Lot Residential/Development Standards (RS/DS). The project also includes a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the parcel into 63 single-family residential lots. The Westbrook Development Agreement will be amended to reflect the proposed changes.

The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission and one (1) public hearing before the city Council. Once scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site, posted to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) website, and published in the Sacramento Bee. Interested persons may also contact the Project Planner to be included on the distribution list by calling (916) 746-1309 or emailing [email protected].

Planning Commission Meeting:  The project was heard before the Planning Commission on Thursday, December 16, 2021.  A copy of the public hearing notice is located here.  The public hearing notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site, interested persons, posted to the RCONA website, and published in the Sacramento Bee. The agenda with the link to the staff report and exhibits are available on the City website here: At the December 16th meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Tentative Subdivision Map, and recommended City Council approve the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement Amendment and Rezone.

City Council Meeting:  The project is scheduled to be heard before the City Council on Wednesday, January 19, 2022.  A copy of the public hearing notice is located here The public hearing notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site, interested persons, posted to the RCONA website, and published in the Sacramento Bee.  The City Council agenda and Council Communication are located online here.  At the January 19th meeting, the City Council approved the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Development Agreement Amendment.

Project Related Documents (as of August 2021):
Plan Set

WB-42 Rezone

SVSP PCL WB-42 – Rezone and Land use Amendments (File #PL24-0397)

Project Address: 2931 Pleasant Grove Bl.

Project Applicant/Owner: John Tallman, Westpark Communities

Project Planner: Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [email protected]

Project Description: Request for a Lot Line Adjustment between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of Sierra Vista Specific Plan parcel WB-42. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment would modify the east-west line by shifting southerly in order to increase the size of Parcel 1 from ±6.0 acres to ±7.0 acres. The request also includes a Rezone to change the zoning designation of Parcel 2 from Community Commercial (CC) to Small Lot Residential/Development Standards (RS/DS) and a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use from Community Commercial (CC) to Medium Density Residential (MDR). A Tentative Subdivision Map is included for Parcel 2 for a 53-unit subdivision and an Amendment to the Westbrook Development Agreement to reflect the proposed land use changes.

Project Related Documents (as of July 2024):
Project Plans
Conceptual Commercial Plan

Two neighborhood meetings are scheduled for this project:
8/15/24 at 3pm with Heritage Solaire Community HOA
9/3/24 at 6:30pm-7:30 pm with Solaire Neighborhood Association. Location: St. John's Episcopal Church (2351 Pleasant Grove Bl.)

The Tentative Subdivsion Map and Lot Line Adjustment were approved at the Planning Commission meeting on 9/26/24. The staff report, attachments, and exhibits are provided below:
Staff Report

The General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Development Agreement Amendment were approved by City Council on 11/6/24. The second reading was on 11/20/24. The legislative changes went into effect 30 days following the second reading.

West Roseville Marketplace

DWSP PCL 21 – West Roseville Marketplace (File #PL22-0089)

Project Address: 1798 Pleasant Grove Boulevard

Property Owner: Safeway Inc.

Project Applicant:
Tiffany Wilson, RSC Engineering, Inc.

Project Planner: Escarlet Mar, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5247 or [email protected] 

Project Description: The project includes a request for a Design Review Permit, Conditional Use Permit, and a Tentative Parcel Map for an 8.80-acre commercial center located on the northeast corner of Pleasant Grove Boulevard and Fiddyment Road. The project would include a major tenant (i.e. Safeway), several shops, one free standing building with a gas station, and a freestanding drive-through building. The project includes a major building totaling approximately 55,592 square feet, inline shops totaling 13,950 square feet, a freestanding drive-through pad totaling 5,500 square feet, and a gas station including 8 pumps and an 830 square foot freestanding kiosk. The tentative parcel map as proposed would create a total of four (4) lots. A conditional use permit for the gas station and drive-through food pad is proposed since the property is contiguous to a residential zoned property.

Project Related Documents (as of September 2022):
Plan Set

Winding Creek Apartments

CSP PCL C-41 & C-42 – Winding Creek Apartments (File #PL22-0077)

Project Address: 3338 Blue Oaks Boulevard

Property Owner: Anthem United Creekview Developments Limited Partnership

Project Applicant: Kevin Sheley, Anthem United Homes Construction LP

Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The applicant requests a Design Review Permit for a 216-unit multi-family project on an 8.6-acre High Density Residential parcel in the Creekview Specific Plan area. The development consists of nine (9) three-story garden-style walkup buildings, with units ranging from one to three bedrooms, and an approximate 5,300-square-foot clubhouse building. A total of 414 parking spaces will be provided and 160 of the spaces will be covered with solar carports. The clubhouse building will consist of site amenities including a game room, gathering room, fitness studio with an outdoor yoga area, and outdoor pool area.

Design Committee Meeting: The project was approved by the Design Committee meeting on Thursday, August 18, 2022.

Project Related Documents:
The approved project materials are located online here.

WRSP PCL F-22 - Parcel Map and Unit Transfer

WRSP PCL F-22 – Parcel Map and Unit Transfer (File #PL22-0089)

Project Address:
 5251 Fiddyment Road

Property Owner: 
USA Properties Fund

Project Applicant: Kris Steward, Plan Steward, Inc.

Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [email protected]

Project Description: The project includes a request for a Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement Amendment, and Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide WRSP High Density Residential Parcel F-22 into F-22A and F-22B, and allocate affordable housing units to the parcels. Parcel F-22A will have 82 units (81 affordable) and F-22B will have 162 units (103 affordable). There will be no changes to the overall WRSP unit count. A Tree Permit is also requested to allow removal of one 68" valley oak tree to accommodate future development on the site. The entitlements are requested to position the parcels for future affordable housing projects. No development is proposed with this application.

One affordable housing development is proposed on each of the two future parcels. These developments will be reviewed subject to the Objective Design Standards streamlined review process. More information can be found here.

Project Related Documents (as of January 2023):

Plan Set
Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice

WRSP PCL F-25 and F-26 – Fiddyment Bungalows

WRSP PCL F-25 and F-26 – Fiddyment Bungalows (File# PL20-0258)

Project Address: 2150 Prairie Town Way
Project Applicant: Tim Fisher, Van Daele Homes

Property Owner: JEN CALIFORNIA 15 LLC

Project Planner: Sean Morales, Assistant Planner ([email protected] or 916-774-5282)

This project was heard by the Planning Commission on May 13, 2021. Please see the published Planning Commission agenda for additional information. The project was approved by Planning Commission with a 6-1 vote in favor. On May 24, 2021, the Planning Commission decision was appealed. The appeal was heard by City Council on July 7, 2021 and was approved by a 5-0 vote.

Project Description: The proposed project includes construction of a total of 189 rental units on two parcels. Parcel F-25 (2150 Prairie Town Way, APN 492-013-005) is proposed for 93 units. Parcel F-26 (2151 Prairie Town Way, APN 492-013-003) is proposed for 96 units. Access to the sites will be provided by driveways on Prairie Town Way. The requested entitlement is a Design Review Permit.  The City File Number for the project is PL20-0258, and the file name is WRSP PCL F-25 & F-26 - Fiddyment Bungalows.

The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission.  Notice of the hearings will be mailed to property owners within a 300 ft. radius of the site, published on the RCONA website, and published in the Press Tribune.  If you would like to receive notice of the hearings, please contact the Project Planner, Sean Morales, at [email protected] or (916) 774-5282 to be added to the distribution list. 

Project Details

Existing Land Use and Zoning:  
Parcels F-25 and F-26 have a General Plan Land Use designation of High Density Residential (HDR) and a Zoning designation of Attached Housing (R3).  The HDR land use designation provides for apartments or condominiums with multiple-story structures containing multiple attached dwelling units.  The R3 zoning designation provides development standards for permitted uses, which include apartments or condominiums with multiple-story structures containing multiple attached dwelling units.  

The land use and zoning designations for Parcels F-25 and F-26 have been in place since the adoption of the West Roseville Specific Plan in 2004.  The size and configuration of these parcels has remained the same since that date.  The adopted West Roseville Specific Plan includes a total unit allocation on Parcels F-25 and F-26 of 277 dwelling units, which equates to a density of 25 dwelling units per acre.

The proposed project would result in the development of 189 total units, which equates to a density of 17 dwelling units per acre.  While the proposed project results in approximately 70% of the anticipated units, the proposed density is within the allowed density range for the HDR land use designation.

The applicant is proposing a project that is consistent with the existing land use and zoning designations for Parcels F-25 and F-26, which have existed on these parcels since the 2004 adoption of the West Roseville Specific Plan.  

Entitlement Request: The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit (DRP). The DRP is used by the City to evaluate the project in terms of site layout, architecture, grading for the site, parking, drainage, landscaping, amenities, and lighting. The DRP does not evaluate the number of units that are permitted onsite or the use of the property.

A Design Review Permit must be obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit or improvement plan for multi- family projects. The approving authority of the DRP will be the City of Roseville Planning Commission.

Parking: The Zoning Ordinance contains parking requirements for different uses based on the expected parking demand. Per City code, this project would be required to provide 397 off-street parking spaces. There are 404 spaces proposed. In addition to the 7 surplus spaces on-site, street parking on Prairie Town Way, Autumn Leaves Drive, and Rustler Drive will accommodate additional parking demand from the project as well as surrounding homes.

Traffic and R.G. Phillips Park: The City is divided into Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ), which are used for travel demand forecasting. The TAZ for this area assumes maximum buildout of the parcels with 277 units. The applicant proposes to build out the project to 70% of the anticipated density and will therefore create less traffic than anticipated. Likewise, R.G. Phillips park was designed to accommodate the amount of neighborhood and City-wide visitors as anticipated in the West Roseville Specific Plan, including residents of a high-density site on parcels F-25 and F-26.

Building Height: A maximum height of 45 feet is permitted in the R3 zone. The applicant proposes three-story buildings on the interior of the parcels that are setback 60 feet from the public right of way. Two-story buildings, 26-28 feet tall, are proposed along the street frontage with an average 20-foot setback from the right of way. A photographic perspective from the street is provided as an exhibit on the webpage for the project. This perspective will help to depict what the height of the buildings will be when constructed.

Planning Commission Meeting:  The project is not yet scheduled to be heard before the Planning Commission.

Neighborhood Meeting: The developer held an informational meeting regarding the project on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held virtually at the Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association & Westpark Neighborhood Association combined public meeting (link to view). The development team and City Staff were available at this meeting to present the project and answer questions.

A second neighborhood association meeting was held on Tuesday March 9th at 7 pm. The developer and City Staff were available to answer any questions.

Project Related Documents (as of April2021):

Third Submittal


WRSP PCL F-81 Fiddyment Plaza

WRSP PCL F-81 Fiddyment Plaza (File# PL19-0013)

The project is scheduled to be heard at the September 26, 2019 Planning Commission hearing. The hearing will begin at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA.

Project Address:
4701 Fiddyment Road
Project Applicant: David Heumann, K12 Architects, (916) 455-6500 or

Property Owner: Ricky Dhillon, Dhillon & Son Enterprises, Inc. (916) 768-6065 or [email protected]

Project Description: The subject parcel (totaling approximately 1.2 acres) is located within the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) and has a land use and zoning designation of Community Commercial (CC). The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit (DRP) to develop the site with a mixed-use commercial development, including a gas station and fueling canopy (with five dispensers/ten pumps); an 8,802 square-foot commercial building that includes 3,977 square feet of retail space, 1,938 square feet of restaurant space, and 2,887 square feet for a convenience store; and associated site improvements including parking, lighting and landscaping.

Environmental Determination: An Addendum to the West Roseville Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 200282057, Adopted February 2, 2004) and the Fiddyment Ranch Specific Plan Amendment 3 Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 2010082075, Adopted April 16, 2014) for the Fiddyment Plaza Project (File # PL19-0013) has been prepared.

Addendum for the Fiddyment Plaza Project
Addendum Attachment 1 - Table of Applicable Mitigation Measures
Addendum Appendix A - Air Quality Permits, Regulations, and Technical Memoranda

Project Related Documents:
Site Plan, April 2019
Floor Plans, April 2019
Building Elevations, April 2019
Gas Canopy Elevations, April 2019
Stormwater and Utility Plans, April 2019 
Preliminary Landscape and Irrigation Plans, April 2019 

Previous Approvals and CEQA Lawsuit:

An application for a Design Review Permit (DRP) was submitted to the City of Roseville Planning Division on September 28, 2016 to allow the construction of a 10,306 square-foot mixed-use building, consisting of 7,606 square feet of retail, 2,700 square feet of restaurant space, and a 3,310 square-foot gas station canopy with five fuel bays/ ten gas pumps for the project known as Fiddyment Plaza.  Access to the project site was proposed from Fiddyment Road and Angus Road, and the site plan included a parking lot with 53 parking spaces.  The Design Review process concluded with City Council approval of the project on October 4, 2017.

On January 16, 2019, following the conclusion of a lawsuit contesting various aspects of the project (Michele Threlkel, et. al. vs. City of Roseville, et. al.), the City Council vacated the previous approvals for the Fiddyment Plaza Project.  The Council Communication, which includes a summary of the lawsuit, can be found at this link:

A new application for the Fiddyment Plaza project, under new File # PL19-0013, was accepted by the City of Roseville Planning Division on January 15, 2019.

Questions regarding the Fiddyment Plaza project may be directed to Shelby Vockel ([email protected]) in the Planning Division at (916) 746-1347.

WRSP PCL W-16 Multifamily Project

WRSP PCL W-16 Multifamily Project (File #PL21-0373)

Project Address: 3200 Pleasant Grove Bl.

Property Owner: Jonathan Canel, W-16 Apartments LP

Project Applicant: Jeffrey Thompson, Morton & Pitalo, Inc.

Project Planner: Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1347 or [email protected]

Project Description: The project is a request for a Design Review Permit to allow the construction of 223 multi-family residential units on a 12.16-acre High Density Residential parcel, with associated parking, lighting, and landscaping. The project consists of four (4) 12-unit buildings; 12 ten-unit buildings, and two (2) nine-unit buildings, as well as a building with a ground-floor community clubhouse and 25 residential units. The clubhouse consists of leasing offices, fitness studios and community lounge area as well as other amenities. Other site amenities include a pool with covered outdoor seating and cabana area with bbq's.

Project Related Documents (as of April 2022):