City Council, City Manager, Finance, Housing, general city information (and anything not listed below)
Erin Dunlay - Public Affairs and Communications Manager
(916) 774-5397 or (916) 751-9149 (cell)
[email protected]

Megan Scheid - Deputy City Manager / Public Affairs & Communications Director
(916) 774-5455 or (916) 751-9140 (cell)
[email protected]

Roseville Police
Lt. Chris Ciampa - Public Information Officer
(916) 206-9922 (cell)
[email protected]

Roseville Fire and Emergency Preparedness 
Jaime Garrett - Public Information Officer
(916) 774-5808 or (916) 580-8602 (cell)
[email protected]

Roseville Electric Utility
Mariah Bickham - Public Information Officer
(916) 774-5639
[email protected]

David Bradford - Electric Customer Programs Supervisor
(916) 746-1672
[email protected]

Roseville Environmental Utilities including water, recycling, storm water and refuse 
Maurice Chaney - Public Information Officer
(916) 774-5539 or (916) 300-7597 (cell)
[email protected]

Parks, Recreation, Libraries and City Events
Pam Allen - Marketing and Communications Manager
(916) 746-1251
 [email protected]

Public Works, Economic Development, and Development Services (Planning) 
Helen Dyda - Public Information Officer
(916) 774-5443 or (916) 517-3741 (cell)
[email protected]