April 14, 2023 Update on shooting in Mahany Park

Updated April 14, 2023
The April 14, 2023 update on the Mahany Park Incident.
In this update we will communicate additional Information:
1. CHP Planned Operation
2. OIS Information
3. Suspect and Victim Injuries
CHP Planned Operation
The Roseville Police Department can confirm this was a planned operation from the California Highway Patrol on Thursday April 6, 2023. CHP had a search warrant for the suspect Eric Abril and planned to make contact at Mahany Park. Roseville PD was only aware of surveillance by CHP in the area but not the details of a search warrant service.
Officer Involved Shooting
The Roseville Police Department can confirm CHP had six officers involved in the OIS during the initial confrontation with suspect Eric Abril prior to RPD responding to assist. As Roseville Police Officers arrived, the suspect continued to endanger officers and the public in the open space area. At which time, three Roseville Officers engaged suspect Eric Abril during the OIS encounter.
At this time it is believed suspect Eric Abril began shooting at officers in the park and fired approximately 15-20 rounds at officers and victims throughout the incident.
CHP officers fired approximately 15-25 rounds at the suspect during the incident. Roseville officers fired 6 rounds at the suspect during the incident.
Suspect and Victim Injuries
The suspect sustained one gunshot wound to his left arm during the exchange of gunfire between officers. It is unknown which agency struck the suspect.
Based on evidence and statements the Roseville Police Department is confident suspect Eric Abril fatally shot the deceased victim and shot the second victim who survived.
The Roseville Police Department will continue investigating the incident and will not be releasing any further details at this time.
We would again like to send our condolences to the victims, the victim’s family and everyone involved in this devastating incident