Please note: The Roseville Police Department Crime Log does not represent all the crime in the City of Roseville. It should never be viewed as a comprehensive list.
The purpose in sharing the crime log is to help the public remain alert and aware of proactive actions they can take to protect themselves, their homes, and their valuables. We share crimes that may appear to be rising patterns or can otherwise provide guidance, such as hiding items from plain sight, becoming aware of different tactics used by scammers, advice on better protecting your home, etc.
Whether it's featured on our social media/website or not, our officers and staff work diligently every day to ensure Roseville remains a safe city. The Roseville Police Department greatly appreciates your support and desire to take proactive measures to help protect yourself and our beautiful city.
For a more comprehensive list of all the criminal activity in Roseville, please visit the
City of Roseville Crime Map.