Demolition in progress at vacant Oak Street site

Updated April 13, 2022
Updated 4/19/22: Demolition is scheduled to begin Thursday, April 21. Working hours remain weekdays 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

If you're in Downtown Roseville, you may notice crews working on the vacant City-owned building at 401 Oak Street. Demolition of the building is scheduled to begin in late April. 

This work will prepare the 1.39 acre site for future use. The City is negotiating on the sale and development of the site with a private developer over the next several months.

The proposed project will provide housing and commercial options that enhance Downtown Roseville.


Demolition of the building is scheduled to begin Monday, April 25 and is anticipated to last several weeks.

Working hours are weekdays, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment, and other unforeseen conditions.

What you can expect

We’re making every effort to minimize disruption. However, you can expect noise in the vicinity.

The parking lot between 401 Oak Street and the Downtown Library will remain open. Watch for large trucks traveling through the area.

Have questions?

Please contact Public Works - Facilities by calling (916) 774-5740 or emailing with any questions about the work.

401 Oak Aerial Image

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