City of Roseville Roadway Capital Improvement Program and Associated Traffic Mitigation Fees

The City of Roseville updates its Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and associated Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) periodically to respond to changing conditions, and to assure that adequate fees are collected to support the transportation infrastructure improvement costs necessary to mitigate the traffic impacts resulting from the build-out and construction of new and existing development projects within the City. 

This developer mitigation program ensures that the City’s obligations and responsibility, as assumed in the mitigation program, established by City Ordinance in 1989, are being met and that the program is fully funded.

A 2012 CIP update incorporated the Sierra Vista Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report and revised the previous 2020 horizon year to 2025. The update added a significant number of dwelling units at a time when construction costs were low in the wake of the recession. 

This large increase in dwelling units, combined with low construction costs and a relatively small increase in new capital projects resulted in an substantial reduction in fees and a historically low average fee per dwelling unit equivalent (fee/DUE). 

In 2015 another CIP update was completed to incorporate the Creekview Specific Plan.  Like the 2012 update, the addition of Creekview in 2015 resulted in an increase in dwelling units.  The 2025 horizon year was maintained in the update and project costs were not updated significantly resulting in a continuation of historically low traffic mitigation fees.

The City is currently updating the CIP to incorporate a 2035 horizon year and include a comprehensive cost estimate update to reflect current construction costs which have risen significantly since the economic recovery.  A comprehensive CIP update is necessary to ensure adequate funding of the roadway, intersection, and traffic signal improvements required to mitigate the impacts of new and continuing development within our City.  An implementation date of July 1, 2018 is expected for this update.  

Responsibilities & Duties of Transportation Planning:

The responsibilities and duties of the Transportation Planning staff include:

  • Determining specific requirements and technical review for traffic impact studies required for land development projects (Traffic Impact Study Standards);
  • Identifying appropriate transportation improvements commensurate with anticipated impacts from land development projects;
  • Maintaining and updating the City's Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP);
  • Calculating all applicable traffic fees for new development projects;
  • Providing annual updates to the City's Traffic Mitigation Fee Program, as well as periodic updates as necessary due to new development approvals;
  • Serving the administration functions for the Highway 65 Joint Powers Authority Fee Program for the funding and construction of interchanges along the Highway 65 Corridor;
  • Representing the City with respect to various local and regional transportation issues;
  • Maintain project database within Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS) and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) for state and federally funded projects and air quality conformity analysis.
  • Provide travel demand forecasting analysis to evaluate roadway/land use alternatives;
  • Maintaining and updating the City's travel demand forecasting model and Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) information (Traffic Information Tool); and
  • Overseeing the City's roadway classification system (arterials, collectors, etc.).