Former mayor converts lawn to water wise wonder

Updated March 11, 2024
Cash for grass: from green lawns to greener pockets
Roseville has seen the continued success of Environmental Utilities’ "cash-for-grass" rebate program. Launched to encourage water conservation, the rebate offers residents $1.50 per square foot for replacing their green turf with water-efficient landscapes. 

Before increased drought conditions and impacts of climate change, the city was characterized by sprawling green lawns, but now, residents are making a shift to adjust to the changing environment. Inspired by the rebate, recipients are enthusiastically replacing their water-intensive grass with drought-resistant plants, trees, and shrubs, contributing to significant annual water savings. 

Among those who have participated in the cash-for-grass rebate is former Roseville Mayor, Gina Garbolino, who has embraced the program to create a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing display.
Cash for grass recipient
"We talked about it for a long time and the city was really helpful in deciding how much we should contribute on top of the rebate,” said Garbolino. “We are going to continue to have droughts and with weather like that, grass is going to look bad. You cannot be a conservationist and keep good-looking grass.”

The benefits of participating in the cash-for-grass program surpass the immediate financial gains. Residents are reporting noticeable reductions in their water bills and experiencing the positive process of creating unique landscapes with a variety of attractive, drought-resistant plants. There is also a sense of accomplishment and environmental stewardship that comes with their landscape’s transformation.

“One of the benefits we didn’t foresee was the peace of mind that came along with the transformation,” Garbolino continued. “When we leave the house, we don’t worry about [irrigation] issues with our landscape.”

Gina Garbolino’s commitment to the program and her advocacy for sustainable practices is motivating others in her own neighborhood and the community. Her transformed yard stands out as a clear example of how individual actions can contribute to Roseville’s larger environmental goals.

The cumulative impact of each resident’s contribution is nothing short of incredible. As the program gains momentum each year, aesthetically pleasing landscapes have increased while citywide water consumption has been reduced. This not only relieves pressure on our water resources, but also plays a crucial role in regional water conservation efforts. 

As we continue to support and expand the cash-for-grass rebate program, we’re not just incentivizing water-efficient practices, but reinforcing community values that make Roseville unique. 

To learn more about the cash-for-grass rebate and how to apply, visit

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