Downtown progress marked by opening of garage and fire station

Updated June 29, 2018
A downtown ribbon cutting on June 28 marked the official opening of the new Fire Station 1 and the Oak Street Parking Garage—the latest fulfillment of the vision for Downtown Roseville’s revitalization.  

It’s important to note—as the City faces ongoing budget challenges—that the funding for the construction came from developer fees, transportation funding, redevelopment funds, and grants, and not from the City’s General Fund. This construction funding is specific to projects such as these, and cannot be used on services like public safety services, parks or libraries.
The Oak Street Parking Garage provides 429 free parking spaces on seven floors. This includes six electric vehicle-charging stations and 24 bicycle spaces. The additional capacity and technology will accommodate current and future demand. 

With the completion of the new fire station, Roseville firefighters have the sort of facility they need to provide the service our community demands today.  And now, the previous site is a prime location for a future higher-education site.

The University Development Foundation has an agreement with the City to acquire and renovate the property, totaling 2.2 acres. This will advance the focus on higher education in South Placer so the community continues to develop the workforce that draws businesses to locate here.

Nearby, construction is beginning to mark the start of the Downtown Bridges and Trail Project, another effort that is funded from specific sources outside the General Fund. Once completed, three bridges over Dry Creek and a multi-use trail will provide better pedestrian and bike access into Downtown. The improvements will also improve connectivity between Royer Park, the Downtown Library, and the Vernon Street Town Square. 

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