Hit the refresh button with our 2024 Spring Reading Challenge

Updated February 09, 2024

Hit the refresh button with our Spring Reading Challenge Saturday, March 2 - Saturday, April 13!

Youth 4-12 years of age can participate in the In-N-Out Burger Cover to Cover Club! Sign up at any of our three library branches to receive a reading log. Read 5 books and turn in the log to receive a gift card for a free burger or cheeseburger. You can repeat the challenge up to 3 times!


Teens (13-17) Write an original 100-word review of a book you read and receive a candy bar and a book light upon submitting your review! Pick up a book review form at any of our locations or download the fillable form online to type your review.  You can repeat the challenge up to 3 times. Click here to download.

Adults (18+) can read two books from two different genres and write a 100-word review for each book. You will receive a book light upon submitting their review. Click here to download.

Last day to turn in reading logs and pick up prizes is Saturday, April 20

Call us at (916) 774-5221 or email us at [email protected] for more information.