Winter energy saving tips

Updated December 10, 2024
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Saving energy during the cooler months can be as simple as keeping the cold air outside and your warm air inside! There are a lot of no-cost and low-cost ways to save energy during the winter. Below are a few tips to help you save on energy costs this winter:

HVAC system
Heating our homes makes up about 29 percent of our utility bill. Properly maintaining and upgrading your heating equipment, sealing air leaks, and adjusting your thermostat’s settings can save you up to 30 percent on your energy bills.

  • Schedule routine maintenance service
  • Replace HVAC filters monthly, or as needed (at least every 3 months)
  • Try lowering your thermostat (you can save up to 10 percent for every two degrees you lower your thermostat during the winter)

Water heating
Water heaters are typically the second largest energy expense in homes as water heating accounts for about 18 percent of our home’s energy use. We tend to use more hot water in the colder months, so it's a good time to try to save on hot water use. Try these simple adjustments to help save:

  • Wash laundry in cold water
  • Insulate your water heater pipes to help preserve warmed water
  • Take shorter showers

Holiday lights
Switching to LED holiday light strands can help save on electricity costs. They consume about 75 percent less energy than conventional incandescent light strands. Additional benefits of switching to LEDs include:

  • Safer: LEDs are much cooler than incandescent lights, reducing the risk of combustion or burnt fingers.
  • Sturdier: LEDs are made with epoxy lenses, not glass, and are much more resistant to breakage.
  • Longer lasting: The same LED string could still be in use 40 holiday seasons from now.
  • Easier to install: Up to 25 strings of LEDs can be connected end-to-end without overloading a wall socket.

Learn more ways to save by visiting

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