Help Roseville Police Keep Watch
With an increasing amount of more affordable and higher quality home security video cameras, many more Roseville residents have them in and around their homes.
With the Keep Watch program, you can let the Roseville Police Department know about your cameras and that you are willing to share the video data upon request.
If a crime occurs in a particular area, the Roseville Police Department will use the secure, confidential database to check and see if there are any residents in the area who may have video surveillance footage that can be used as evidence. We will contact you and request you check your camera system’s data during a particular time frame. If you see anything, we will arrange to get the video footage from you.
The registry database is kept confidential, and the police department does not have the ability to remotely or directly access your system.
You can register for Keep Watch here: Camera Registration Program
If you have further questions, contact Crime Analyst Jason Rudolph at [email protected]