Bike Racks

BikeYou can go farther with Roseville Transit when combining your trip with a bike. All buses are equipped with two front-mounted bike racks, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Watch this video clip on using bus bike racks.

Loading Bikes

  1. Squeeze the handle to lower the rack.
  2. Load your bicycle the slot closest to the bus, if available.
  3. Raise the support arm up and over the front tire so it is secure.
  4. Board the bus and pay your fare.
Unloading Bike Racks
As you near your stop, tell the driver you will be removing your bicycle and use the front door to exit.
  1. Lift the support arm up and off the tire.
  2. Lift your bicycle out of the rack.
  3. Squeeze the handle and lift the rack to its upright position.
Caution: Use bicycle racks at your own risk. Roseville Transit is not liable or responsible for loss or damage to bicycles or personal injury that may occur as a result of use of the racks.

When the bicycle rack is occupied, a folding bicycle may be brought on board provided: it is already folded and stored in a carrier bag when boarding, and it remains in your control and does not block the aisle at any time. When capacity is an issue, folding bicycles must be stored under an aisle-facing seat (maximum 12" in height when folded).


Bike Lockers

The City of Roseville offers on-demand secure eLockers at key locations throughout the city. They are great for use in combination with riding transit or carpooling.
Read more.

Link to Google Transit Trip Planner Trip Planner

Plan a transit trip within Roseville, Placer County, or to Sacramento. Enter the “Start” and “End” addresses in the fields below and click the
“Get Directions” button.