Updated May 11, 2023
Catalytic converters – what are they and why are they being stolen off of cars?
Catalytic converters have been around for nearly 50 years. They are a device that is part of a car’s exhaust system. Exhaust from the engine flows through the converter, which has an interior grid-like structure containing one or more precious metals, usually platinum, palladium, and rhodium. These metals create a chemical reaction that converts noxious exhaust gases to harmless ones.
It is these precious metals inside the catalytic converter that are valuable for thieves. They steal the catalytic converters and then sell them to a metal recycler or another third party.
What can you do to deter catalytic converter thieves?
• Park your vehicle in a closed, locked garage
• Park defensively under lights or near windows
• Have a mechanic weld a metal bar to the pipes or a cage around the converter
• Etch your converter with identifiable information
The Roseville Police Department is still taking stolen catalytic converter theft reports. We have partnered with several auto repair shops in Roseville to provide etching and painting of Roseville resident’s catalytic converters free of charge. Call any of the following businesses to schedule the work:
• Tilley’s Automotive—600 Commerce Dr #E—916-783-9200
• Firestone Complete Auto Care—8051 Washington Bl—916-783-0431
• Roseville Toyota—700 Automall Dr—916-517-4904
• BMR NAPA AutoCare—900 Riverside Av—916-676-0010
Our officers will continue to patrol residential parking areas to help your vehicles remain as safe and secure as possible. Always report any suspicious activity, vehicles, or persons you see to 9-1-1 or 916-774-5000 (non-emergencies).